Sixto García

The aim of the firm is to offer a personal and professional ´catch all´ legal service aimed at providing specialist support to  foreigners in Spain.

The firm was founded in 1990 by Sixto Garcia with it´s office based locally in Chiclana, right at the heart of the Costa de la Luz.  He has extensive experience gained since first starting his practice in Marbella in 1988 specializing in foreign investments and providing general advice to non-nationals in legal conveyancing.

The firm is run by expert lawyers who can guide you in matters involving civil and commercial aspects, as well as Urban, Tax, Administrative, Litigation and Arbitration Law. Always thinking of foreign citizens who settle in our country or are thinking of acquiring real estate here, our first activity is aimed at providing the necessary help from a fiscal and legal point of view.

Sixto García Sánchez

Place of birth: Santiago Compostela (Coruña), Spain 1962.

Education: Degree in Law from the University of Seville; Postgraduate course in Tax Law (1995). Notary public exams from 1985 to 1988, various courses in Criminal, Civil, Procedural Law and Urban Law. He joined the Malaga Bar Association in 1985 and the Cádiz Bar Association in 1990. He collaborates with the Jerez Law School  teaching courses to new law degree students in practical matters of the practice of law.

Languages: Spanish, English and German.

Specialties: Foreign investments in Spain, Commercial and Civil Law, Conveyancing, Immigration and  residential law. Administrative Law, Tax Law, Arbitration and Civil Law. Urban Law, commercial and contentious-administrative processes.

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